Ottawa Airport Authority

Customer-Driven Website Strategy and Requirements

Key Outcomes
  1. Strategic Alignment: Website goals aligned with organizational objectives.

  2. User-Centric Approach: Strategy driven my customer needs.  
  3. Efficient Procurement: Streamlined RFP process for cost-effective results.

Differly was selected by the Ottawa Airport Authority to spearhead the development of a data-driven website strategy. Our role was to:  

  1. Align the website content strategy with organization objectives and customer needs.
  2. Analyze existing website challenges and identify integration requirements.
  3. Identify and confirm stakeholders and audiences and ensure alignment to brand positioning.
  4. Engage broadly with internal stakeholders to define the website's role; we leveraged the "jobs to be done" framework to ensure the focus was on customers and not technology.

Via this process, objectives were agreed upon and allowed for the creation of a clear vendor-friendly RFP with detailed technical and operational needs.